Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Being a fan. What is that?

Nowadays a lot of artists are coming up and a lot of different fan bases are holding their grounds. Or so people say.
But what is really a fan?
What makes you call other people fans, and what makes you consider yourself a fan of someone?

Tons of people are convinced that to be a fan you have to know basically everything concering your designated favorite artists/s, coming down to even the littlest detail.
They even inform that you're not a fan if you don't know every single fact about said artist/s.
They are basically socially-accepted stalkers.

What is your opinion on that?
I personally think they're exaggerating a bit (okay, a lot). I've known a lot of people who looked you up and down when you told them you liked some particular band, like you were not worthy of liking them. You know, like those dudes who make fun of you because you say you like Metallica but then you don't go out all dressed in black and chains. As if you were the one who had the problem. (not saying you guys who dress like that have something wrong with you! I used to dress like that a few years ago. But I just didn't go out and give the stink eye to any people who happened to listen to metal like me but dressed 'normally')
And that is so ridiculous, let me tell you. The way music is becoming no more than a fashion statement, these days. That's what music is about? Having the right clothes? Music used to teach us appearances didn't matter, what you had inside mattered. What you had to say mattered. But I guess those times have passed?

But, back to the point.
I don't think you necessarily have to know by heart these artists' discography to consider yourself a fan. It can happen, sometimes, that you listen to a couple of things by a particular singer, or a particular band, and in a way you get them. You feel a connection. And then you don't need to know every basic detail of their life, because you appreciate them just as they come. From those few songs you kind of got to know them, you understood them, you understood what they were about and you realized they really deserved your liking.
Sometimes you just need a few right thoughts to make you realize if a person is worth knowing or not.
And same goes for singers, bands, or even painters, writers, whatever.
Here I talked about music but these ideas can be extended to every artistic camp. I'll always see it the same way.

So how do you call someone a fan? What makes you decide you are one? I'd really like to know.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 8, 2012

What is love?

Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly. 
Loving him was red.

Today, people, I'm going to present to you a question whose answer will seem obvious at first, but for me it's not:
What is love?
What is this emotion everyone is talking about? This feeling people claim to feel, what exactly makes some call it 'true love'? What is it that makes that one love more special than the others?

I recently heard this song from Taylor Swift, called Red.
Now one thing I like about this girl is that she always talks about love, but somehow each one her songs is completely different from any other. And that is what happens with this song.
Describing feelings through colors? Now that's smart.
Taylor is talking about a love that knew no bounds. A love that came out of the blue and took complete power over her. A feeling so strong that she couldn't control it, and everything felt so good and so right that she just couldn't let go of it.
Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall.

So what is really love? When I think of love, that epic one that people talk about that is supposedly going to change your life, all I see is red. Taylor caught perfectly my feelings about it. Passionate, with no limits, a neverending fall that makes you feel so good.

I think there are different types of love. So are we talking about the 'big love', or all kinds of it?
I am a pacifist myself, so I always tend to say that "I love the whole world." And I do. I really do.
I love everything single thing about the world, because I think even the bad things (which are only bad under certain aspects) can be redeemed and become good. Nothing is ever lost.
So there is this 'universal love', that makes life better because everything feels to be going the right way even when it doesn't look like it.
Then there's the love that you feel towards the people you, indeed, love. The people that you care about. I think you can love a lot of people in your life. That kind of emotion that makes you worry about them, makes you want to be there for them whenever they need it.
But the big love, the life-changing one, is more than that. I think you FEEL it when it's right. I think it's like getting on a train and finding yourself at full speed. And you want more, you need more, and you never want to get off.
There is physical love, and intellectual love. The 'right' love, I believe, must be a mix of the two. My opinion is that the one true love is the one that makes you melt when you and that person are in the same room. Like it's always too hot and you can't breathe. When you continually get the butterflies. When you're discussing with someone about something but all you can think of is, "--- would like this." or "--- would do it.."
Basically, when this person takes over your mind. When this person lights you on fire with a single touch.
It's the kind of love that always makes you feel like time is flying way too fast.
It's red.

So what is love to you? What do you think of it? And have you found it yet?
I haven't. I don't honestly believe each one of us is going to find his or her one true love. I could just not find that person. But maybe, if you two are lucky enough, you'll find each other. And when it's right, you'll know it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time flies so fast, it's worse than a missile

Whoa, I can't believe a year has already come and passed. Can you?
It seems like yesterday that I was starting my junior year of high school. And yet here I am, twelfth grade and a lot of dreams and preoccupations in my little beaten bag.
I feel like life is going by so fast. Seriously. Whenever I say this out loud, some older people glares at me and tells me I'm still young. But that doesn't help at all, honestly.
I'm already seventeen, and do you know how many things I could have done by this age? And yet I haven't. There's just so. many. things that I could've done and I haven't. And I know I supposedly still have a looot of time to do them, but what if doing them sometime before would've been better?
Or what if I don't get another chance?

What if I die tomorrow (just hypothetically), what about it?
Aaah. And it's even useless to worry about it because there's not even time for regrets in this life. Having regrets is stupid. The past is the past, this is the present and you gotta move on. That's what I always tell myself. Although sometimes it's hard to stay true to those words.

What about you? Is there something you wish you'd done but you didn't? Do you have some regrets, or are you happy with your life? Do you intend to make up for something you've kept away for way too long?


Hello :)

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This blog is part of my uni coursework in which I have to link a specific subject of interest to the general shift to digital that has affected our society in recent years. Here I am going to discuss in depth various ways in which this shift has radically changed our youth in particular, and shaped them as what is often defined as a 'digital generation'. I hope to do a decent job! Cheers