Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! (+ random weird accidental potential life lesson)

Helloooooooooooooo readers. :)
What's going on in your lives? Are you happy? Aren't you? Tell me about it.
And happy Easter!!
Don't know if you're religious or not, don't even care, happy Easter anyway. Sooo... I've been absent for almost two months from this blog. I'm such a terrible blogger, I know. The second-to-last post I wrote was dated November, and the last one February. Aaah. I just can't keep up with blog rhythms. But I'm trying. Because, you know, I like writing and talking to people and mastering the beautiful and marvellous art that is communication.
(no wonder I study languages)
Did I tell you? (of course I didn't) I went to England! Like, one week ago. Not to London, though. I went to a little cute town called Chester near Liverpool. It was a school trip so we stayed in a host family for a week and all in all it was a pretty cool experience. My family was a bit crazy but I liked them.
I fell in love with England even more than before, if that's even possible. I so want to go back there. And it's sad, because as things stand right now I don't have any trip abroad to look forward to in the near present. The next sure one is going to be in winter (my last high school trip :'( sigh, I'm getting old), so that's pretty far in the future. (for me, at least)
So yeah, I don't know what to do with my life in this period. I'm bored, and in need of a serious change. I'm trying to perfectionate myself, in the meantime. I read this book called 'Rules of Life', which you may find stupid and even useless, but to me it was helpful. Not gonna lie, and I'm not even trying to brag, but most of the things the book suggested to do, I already was doing, so I'm pretty happy on that side. (like, respect other people, don't ever do something you would never want to be done to yourself, try to always stay positive.. crap like that) But it also said things that I wasn't doing and that made me realize maybe I should try them out. Like, if on one side society tells us we need to be perfect, on another they're screaming at us that esteriority is not important. That how you're inside is what matters. So I've got my head divided in two and I don't know what to do.
But this book actually helped me, because it wasn't talking about society but it was talking about me. And it was talking about self-respect, and this glorious book told me that not for other people but for myself, when I get up in the morning I should think that this is a brand new day and I can do anything I want to, and that I should dress nice for it. I should take care of myself, of my face, my body, and yes, even my clothes. Because it's myself we're talking about, it's my body I have to take care of so I should always try to look as best as I can. You get it? Not for other people, but for myself. It's one of the basic rules for achievement. We can't be perfect, we all know we can't, but where's the fault in doing as best as we can?
So that's what the book said. I don't know if I made myself clear, I hope so. In any case, if you want to you can check it out and it's called The Rules of Life by Richard Templar. Now I don't honestly know who this dude is, so he could be a giant idiot known all over the world except for Italy for all I know, but what I know is that if you ignore the whole perhaps-he's-an-idiot-perhaps-he's-not factor, this book can really help you. Maybe you won't agree with every single advice in it, but you can still take something useful out of it. There's always room for improvement, and even in the most idiotic thing or person there's something you can learn, so don't forget that.

But why was I talking about Richard Templar? Oh yeah, I'm trying to improve my life. So I'm reading a lot again (I had this period recently where I could only concentrate on my feelings and didn't feel the need to read. I believe I was fancied myself in love, what an idiot), and I'm even trying to put make-up decently on my face (JK. I already did that. I like make-up. Lots of people say it's just fake, but to me it's a kind of form of art, but on the face instead of on paper or canvas or walls or whatever, which actually makes it all the more special. And also, make-up is not fake. It enhances beauty. And if you use good products, it also helps your skin and your face which is good) and I'm paying a bit more attention to what I wear. And you know what? It's FUN. I don't get why people find it stressful to dress nicely and have a decent make-up. I find myself quite at ease standing in front of my wardrobe and trying new outfits. It's relaxing. And it's nice when  you look at yourself in the mirror and you go 'hey, you look nice today', instead of 'oh god another day of work/school/shit/whatever' so why not try it?

So yes, improving is good. And even aiming at perfection is good. God knows you're never gonna achieve it, and you should in your heart know it too, but you can get as close as you can to it. It's kind of like with grades at school. If you point at a B, which is fair enough, you could get a C+, or a B- (or even a B if you're really good), but if you aim at A++++, it doesn't matter that it doesn't exist as a grade, you'll still get an A or an A+ which is as good as you can get in this freaking world and THAT'S good. Again, I don't know if I made myself clear but I hope so because I'm trying to tell you something important here.
So you get what I mean? You don't need to be perfect, but AIM at perfection. And aim at it positively, with a good spirit, not with the feeling that you won't be okay until you achieve it because otherwise you'll just be disappointed. Try to be as best as you can, and don't listen to people who try to bring you down and just follow your own lead. Be yourself, and be free and be awesome you know?
Aaand why did this post turn into this witty philosophical whatever speech? I really didn't mean to end up trying to give the cyber world a lesson. God knows we all hate those.
But.. I hope I helped you somehow. Because I like helping people (see? Rules of Life. Thoough I guess we all already know helping each other is good) and people are cool and.. yeah.
Let me know what you think!
Just.. tell me what you feel. If you want to. Or comment on the book, if you've read it. Insult Richard, if you want. (no, wait, don't. it's BAD) But tell me if you do know who he is!

Aaaand.. I guess that's it for today.
Thanks for readin! ;)

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This blog is part of my uni coursework in which I have to link a specific subject of interest to the general shift to digital that has affected our society in recent years. Here I am going to discuss in depth various ways in which this shift has radically changed our youth in particular, and shaped them as what is often defined as a 'digital generation'. I hope to do a decent job! Cheers