So, one of my goals in life is visiting the whole world. Well, not literally, but at least to visit all those cities I've always wanted to visit. I'm only seventeen, so I haven't seen many so far, but I plan on changing that.
I love travelling. I really do. It's one of the things I love most. And I love my parents for allowing me to travel as much as I do.
It feels so good, finding yourself in a different place, knowing new people, discovering new beliefs and tradition. I don't believe a life is complete until you travel. A life cannot be complete if you limit yourself to a reduct sphere. You have to break your limits, and set no boundaries. I don't believe in sciences to know the world. I believe in travelling, and in getting to know people. Because people are my world. I don't need to know how an earthquake is caused or why things fall down if I let go of them. I want to know about people like me, I need to know about myself.
And travelling is such a beautiful way of doing it.
I've written down a list of a few cities I'd like to visit. The most important ones, let's say. The one with a tick beside their name are the ones that I've visited. (not many, of course)
The funny thing is that I'm from Italy, and I've been both to NY and to Beijing. So it sounds like I've seen the whole world, going one side and another, but actually I've seen so little. I've yet to see so much.
(ps: I know, I wrote 'Bangkok' twice. 'Cause I'm stupid.)
So here follow a few pics of me in some of these cities ~
New York
(Central Park)
(now look at my reaction at realizing I'm on top of the Great Wall, haha)
This is just something I've got in my bedroom:
Basically I have this world map right above my bed, and my intention is to mark all places where I've been, going on with time. I have a few postcards on the sides of the map. I plan to stick more of them because right now they look kinda hideous put out like that.
As you can see, I've got a big 'NEW YORK' right above the map.
I love New York, it's my dream city. And underthat it's the Chinese character of "FU", which means happiness, fortune. (more or less) (I study Chinese at school)
And there on the corner is my little shelf of foreign things. I select one item from every place where I've been and put it on the shelf.
Yes, I am definitely a travel freak, and proud of that, thank you very much.
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