Friday, July 22, 2011

Packing things up and talking random

Packing things up. Does it feel like this when you're moving? In my case, we're only renovating the house. Collateral damage: we need to leave.

Explanation: So my parents had this weird idea of renovating the house out of the blue. They say, since they can't find a new house that 'suits their need', is in a good area, is bright, is big, is cheap, and all that sort of things that you'll never find all together in a house, And if you do, you've probably made something wrong. But anyway, since they can't, they decided to renovate this one.
I was good with it the way it already is, but they're kind of stubborn on that point so let's just hope there won't come up a mess out of the whole thing.
Collateral damage of the process? We need to leave the house.
A week from now, we'll have to be good and out of here and will have to had packed everything up and taken it away from the flat. Yeah, RENOVATING A FLAT. Got something to say? Me too.
That's how it works in Italy.
I won't probably have the chance to connect much, if EVER.
Not that that will post a problem. I hardly ever write on this blog. Thing is, i like writing. Other thing is, i like writing for myself.
FACT is, now i'm not writing for myself. I'm writing for a blog. And, you know, it wouldn't suck a little feedback from someone, ANYONE. Wouldn't be so bad. You know.
So in addition we have me writing posts, no one reading it.
So, what's the use in writing a blog?
I could write a diary and i should be happy with myself anyway. But i kind of like the idea that someone, maybe, in a place far away from here, once in a century, could lo.ok up here and see what i've written.
Back to the point.
I need to pack.
I need to leave.
And i need to start preparing things for my head off to the South of Italy which will happen in about two weeks, i think.
Like every summer of my life.
Wouldn't be that bad.
You know what sucks about that?
My birthday.
You know when's my birthday?
August 8th.
You know when we leave?
Usually August 6th.
You know where i was able to celebrate my birthday with my friends in my entire life?
Never ever.
My birthdays history kinda sucks.
And will suck this year, too.
*Takes a bow*

Whatever, folks, i'm tired of writing to no one.
See you at my next post.
Question: Do you believe in the existence of vampires?
--- No, i personally don't, like probably the rest of you. But, just asking. There's some crazy people that do. I don't mistake my obsession with those stories for real belief. Thanks God i'm not that nuts. Not yet.

Mood: Bored.

P.S. Did i mention i was in Florida until last week?
Mosquitoes? I hate them so much.
Florida? Loved every second of it.

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This blog is part of my uni coursework in which I have to link a specific subject of interest to the general shift to digital that has affected our society in recent years. Here I am going to discuss in depth various ways in which this shift has radically changed our youth in particular, and shaped them as what is often defined as a 'digital generation'. I hope to do a decent job! Cheers