I am seventeen years old.
I am closer to adulthood than childhood. I should be able to make my own decisions.
And yet I can't.
I'll be going to University in a year, I have to decide what to do with my life. I should be responsible and I should be able to manage a freaking agenda.
And yet I can't. There's someone (not gonna mention who, but it's pretty clear) that's always breathing on my neck. Someone that's always reminding me to do things that I KNOW I should be doing. Someone who tries to control my life because they think I'm not able to. But if they fucking gave me a chance! It's no surprise that I can't be responsible. No one gives me the chance. They just assume I can't.
Someone is always there telling me what to do and I have no. space. to think, to make my own decisions. And it's so tiring.
It's like trying to move but being stuck in a box. You can't breathe, and you just want to stand up and start running but YOU. CAN'T.
It feels awful. I've always had this thing, when I couldn't move I'd hyper-ventilate. Like, if I was at the beach, in the water, and someone grabbed me from behind or something and put their arms around me, and I couldn't move, I'd hyperventilate. I'd start to get anxious and stuff. Nothing serious, of course, but it was still stressing. I usually say I'm 'claustrophoic', even though I don't think I actually am and I don't want to disrepect in any way those who really suffer from that, but I think it's the word that best fits me.
Having walls around me, not being able to move.. it's what terrifies me the most. Even when I was little, my greatest fear was being stuck in an elevator, because I had no possibility to get out.
I was stuck.
So yeah. I just wish, hope, pray, WANT more space. for me, for my thoughts, to fucking get a grip on my life and decide for myself. I want to grow up, and be responsible, and independent.
Will I be able to do that?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Can't you let me breathe?
growing up,
Monday, November 5, 2012
I am pissed.
I generally don't write things this bluntly, I just kind of circle the main point but never actually say it out loud.
I'm making an exception now, though. I won't tell you the reason.
I'm just going to say that one cannot keep being used and kid around like you're worth nothing.
People can't just keep treating you like you're trash because they know you'll always be there anyway. It doesn't work like that. Nuh uh. You can be as nice and cute as you want, but at some point you just need so say 'stop.'
Stop with the bullshit, stop with this behavior, stop with YOU.
You're sick and tired of being treated like that. Maybe people don't deserve you. And you're the one who gets hurt because you always care so much about people, maybe more than they do about you. And even when things change you can't and won't and don't want to stop caring about them, because it makes you feel good and it is good.
But it's time to put a fucking stop to that.
It's time.
Walk alone, if you have to, but don't fucking let others treat you like your worth no one's attention. Because you are. You fucking are.
Don't forget that.
If people don't deserve you, all the better. One less person to care about, free place for one more. One that really deserves you.
Even if you're wrong, they're wrong, too. That's not how you behave. You talk. You don't ignore.
I understand that none of you is really getting what I'm saying, and I'm sorry about that. I just needed to vent my anger on someone or something and so yeah, here's my pissed post. ;)
I generally don't write things this bluntly, I just kind of circle the main point but never actually say it out loud.
I'm making an exception now, though. I won't tell you the reason.
I'm just going to say that one cannot keep being used and kid around like you're worth nothing.
People can't just keep treating you like you're trash because they know you'll always be there anyway. It doesn't work like that. Nuh uh. You can be as nice and cute as you want, but at some point you just need so say 'stop.'
Stop with the bullshit, stop with this behavior, stop with YOU.
You're sick and tired of being treated like that. Maybe people don't deserve you. And you're the one who gets hurt because you always care so much about people, maybe more than they do about you. And even when things change you can't and won't and don't want to stop caring about them, because it makes you feel good and it is good.
But it's time to put a fucking stop to that.
It's time.
Walk alone, if you have to, but don't fucking let others treat you like your worth no one's attention. Because you are. You fucking are.
Don't forget that.
If people don't deserve you, all the better. One less person to care about, free place for one more. One that really deserves you.
Even if you're wrong, they're wrong, too. That's not how you behave. You talk. You don't ignore.
I understand that none of you is really getting what I'm saying, and I'm sorry about that. I just needed to vent my anger on someone or something and so yeah, here's my pissed post. ;)
fuck off,
i am pissed,
sorry for the curses
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Being a fan. What is that?
Nowadays a lot of artists are coming up and a lot of different fan bases are holding their grounds. Or so people say.
But what is really a fan?
What makes you call other people fans, and what makes you consider yourself a fan of someone?
Tons of people are convinced that to be a fan you have to know basically everything concering your designated favorite artists/s, coming down to even the littlest detail.
They even inform that you're not a fan if you don't know every single fact about said artist/s.
They are basically socially-accepted stalkers.
What is your opinion on that?
I personally think they're exaggerating a bit (okay, a lot). I've known a lot of people who looked you up and down when you told them you liked some particular band, like you were not worthy of liking them. You know, like those dudes who make fun of you because you say you like Metallica but then you don't go out all dressed in black and chains. As if you were the one who had the problem. (not saying you guys who dress like that have something wrong with you! I used to dress like that a few years ago. But I just didn't go out and give the stink eye to any people who happened to listen to metal like me but dressed 'normally')
And that is so ridiculous, let me tell you. The way music is becoming no more than a fashion statement, these days. That's what music is about? Having the right clothes? Music used to teach us appearances didn't matter, what you had inside mattered. What you had to say mattered. But I guess those times have passed?
But, back to the point.
I don't think you necessarily have to know by heart these artists' discography to consider yourself a fan. It can happen, sometimes, that you listen to a couple of things by a particular singer, or a particular band, and in a way you get them. You feel a connection. And then you don't need to know every basic detail of their life, because you appreciate them just as they come. From those few songs you kind of got to know them, you understood them, you understood what they were about and you realized they really deserved your liking.
Sometimes you just need a few right thoughts to make you realize if a person is worth knowing or not.
And same goes for singers, bands, or even painters, writers, whatever.
Here I talked about music but these ideas can be extended to every artistic camp. I'll always see it the same way.
So how do you call someone a fan? What makes you decide you are one? I'd really like to know.
Thanks for reading!
But what is really a fan?
What makes you call other people fans, and what makes you consider yourself a fan of someone?
Tons of people are convinced that to be a fan you have to know basically everything concering your designated favorite artists/s, coming down to even the littlest detail.
They even inform that you're not a fan if you don't know every single fact about said artist/s.
They are basically socially-accepted stalkers.
What is your opinion on that?
I personally think they're exaggerating a bit (okay, a lot). I've known a lot of people who looked you up and down when you told them you liked some particular band, like you were not worthy of liking them. You know, like those dudes who make fun of you because you say you like Metallica but then you don't go out all dressed in black and chains. As if you were the one who had the problem. (not saying you guys who dress like that have something wrong with you! I used to dress like that a few years ago. But I just didn't go out and give the stink eye to any people who happened to listen to metal like me but dressed 'normally')
And that is so ridiculous, let me tell you. The way music is becoming no more than a fashion statement, these days. That's what music is about? Having the right clothes? Music used to teach us appearances didn't matter, what you had inside mattered. What you had to say mattered. But I guess those times have passed?
But, back to the point.
I don't think you necessarily have to know by heart these artists' discography to consider yourself a fan. It can happen, sometimes, that you listen to a couple of things by a particular singer, or a particular band, and in a way you get them. You feel a connection. And then you don't need to know every basic detail of their life, because you appreciate them just as they come. From those few songs you kind of got to know them, you understood them, you understood what they were about and you realized they really deserved your liking.
Sometimes you just need a few right thoughts to make you realize if a person is worth knowing or not.
And same goes for singers, bands, or even painters, writers, whatever.
Here I talked about music but these ideas can be extended to every artistic camp. I'll always see it the same way.
So how do you call someone a fan? What makes you decide you are one? I'd really like to know.
Thanks for reading!
Monday, October 8, 2012
What is love?
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly.
Loving him was red.
Today, people, I'm going to present to you a question whose answer will seem obvious at first, but for me it's not:
What is love?
What is this emotion everyone is talking about? This feeling people claim to feel, what exactly makes some call it 'true love'? What is it that makes that one love more special than the others?
I recently heard this song from Taylor Swift, called Red.
Now one thing I like about this girl is that she always talks about love, but somehow each one her songs is completely different from any other. And that is what happens with this song.
Describing feelings through colors? Now that's smart.
Taylor is talking about a love that knew no bounds. A love that came out of the blue and took complete power over her. A feeling so strong that she couldn't control it, and everything felt so good and so right that she just couldn't let go of it.
Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall.
So what is really love? When I think of love, that epic one that people talk about that is supposedly going to change your life, all I see is red. Taylor caught perfectly my feelings about it. Passionate, with no limits, a neverending fall that makes you feel so good.
I think there are different types of love. So are we talking about the 'big love', or all kinds of it?
I am a pacifist myself, so I always tend to say that "I love the whole world." And I do. I really do.
I love everything single thing about the world, because I think even the bad things (which are only bad under certain aspects) can be redeemed and become good. Nothing is ever lost.
So there is this 'universal love', that makes life better because everything feels to be going the right way even when it doesn't look like it.
Then there's the love that you feel towards the people you, indeed, love. The people that you care about. I think you can love a lot of people in your life. That kind of emotion that makes you worry about them, makes you want to be there for them whenever they need it.
But the big love, the life-changing one, is more than that. I think you FEEL it when it's right. I think it's like getting on a train and finding yourself at full speed. And you want more, you need more, and you never want to get off.
There is physical love, and intellectual love. The 'right' love, I believe, must be a mix of the two. My opinion is that the one true love is the one that makes you melt when you and that person are in the same room. Like it's always too hot and you can't breathe. When you continually get the butterflies. When you're discussing with someone about something but all you can think of is, "--- would like this." or "--- would do it.."
Basically, when this person takes over your mind. When this person lights you on fire with a single touch.
It's the kind of love that always makes you feel like time is flying way too fast.
It's red.
So what is love to you? What do you think of it? And have you found it yet?
I haven't. I don't honestly believe each one of us is going to find his or her one true love. I could just not find that person. But maybe, if you two are lucky enough, you'll find each other. And when it's right, you'll know it.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Time flies so fast, it's worse than a missile
Whoa, I can't believe a year has already come and passed. Can you?
It seems like yesterday that I was starting my junior year of high school. And yet here I am, twelfth grade and a lot of dreams and preoccupations in my little beaten bag.
I feel like life is going by so fast. Seriously. Whenever I say this out loud, some older people glares at me and tells me I'm still young. But that doesn't help at all, honestly.
I'm already seventeen, and do you know how many things I could have done by this age? And yet I haven't. There's just so. many. things that I could've done and I haven't. And I know I supposedly still have a looot of time to do them, but what if doing them sometime before would've been better?
Or what if I don't get another chance?
What if I die tomorrow (just hypothetically), what about it?
Aaah. And it's even useless to worry about it because there's not even time for regrets in this life. Having regrets is stupid. The past is the past, this is the present and you gotta move on. That's what I always tell myself. Although sometimes it's hard to stay true to those words.
What about you? Is there something you wish you'd done but you didn't? Do you have some regrets, or are you happy with your life? Do you intend to make up for something you've kept away for way too long?
Monday, September 24, 2012
With great power comes great responsibility
Ahh, it's so hard to manage two blogs.
And a tumblr account.
And a twitter account.
And a facebook account.
And a facebook page.
And TWO youtube accounts.
In other words, I'm totally ignoring this blog and I'm sorry. I know I'm a bitch. But it's just freaking HARD to keep up with everything. And I don't have the heart to abandon any of the afore-mentioned things, so here we are.
Also, with having to study for school and all.. it all gets a bit too much.
And a tumblr account.
And a twitter account.
And a facebook account.
And a facebook page.
And TWO youtube accounts.
In other words, I'm totally ignoring this blog and I'm sorry. I know I'm a bitch. But it's just freaking HARD to keep up with everything. And I don't have the heart to abandon any of the afore-mentioned things, so here we are.
Also, with having to study for school and all.. it all gets a bit too much.
im a bitch,
la la la,
please forgive me,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Hello babes.
How long as it been? A lot, I think. This summer I've been busy for several reasons, plus I recently started a new blog which isn't solely about myself but abous books (with which I'm obsessed, as you know).
I kind of want to take this blog back, though. I even started using tumblr these days (I finally understood how to use it! Yay!). So yeah, I'm feeling all technological and I wanna exploit this random emotion for my own benefits. So what's been up with you guys? What are you doing, how are you feeling?
[Oh, today is Suicide Awareness day, so little brackets here --> Hi guys, life is good. Don't throw it away.]
I'm about to start my senior year of high school, which I'm calling senior year but isn't actually a senior year because I live in Italy and after this one I'll still have another year of high school ahead of me.
So I'm just about to start my twelfth year of high school, let's leave it at that. I've decided that this year I really gotta put myself into it if I intend to go somewhere nearly prestigious after HS. Which I do. I don't want to end up as a tramp in some deserted town in the middle of nowhere playing a guitar I can't play in a street I don't know the name of (okay, a bit drastic here, but it serves to inspire me).
My dream is New York and I'm sure someday I'll be there. I know it. Even if I DID actually have to live as a tramp. I'd be a New York tramp, and that would be all right with me.
So yeah, I gotta work, work, work this year out.
And definitely put my head into it.
How long as it been? A lot, I think. This summer I've been busy for several reasons, plus I recently started a new blog which isn't solely about myself but abous books (with which I'm obsessed, as you know).
I kind of want to take this blog back, though. I even started using tumblr these days (I finally understood how to use it! Yay!). So yeah, I'm feeling all technological and I wanna exploit this random emotion for my own benefits. So what's been up with you guys? What are you doing, how are you feeling?
[Oh, today is Suicide Awareness day, so little brackets here --> Hi guys, life is good. Don't throw it away.]
I'm about to start my senior year of high school, which I'm calling senior year but isn't actually a senior year because I live in Italy and after this one I'll still have another year of high school ahead of me.
So I'm just about to start my twelfth year of high school, let's leave it at that. I've decided that this year I really gotta put myself into it if I intend to go somewhere nearly prestigious after HS. Which I do. I don't want to end up as a tramp in some deserted town in the middle of nowhere playing a guitar I can't play in a street I don't know the name of (okay, a bit drastic here, but it serves to inspire me).
My dream is New York and I'm sure someday I'll be there. I know it. Even if I DID actually have to live as a tramp. I'd be a New York tramp, and that would be all right with me.
So yeah, I gotta work, work, work this year out.
And definitely put my head into it.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
What color is your world?
How fucking much can it hurt, when you think you have something and then you realized you don't?
When you're so sure everything is inside your hands, but when you open them you find out they're empty?
They tell you never to consider something yours, when it isn't. Never to cage things that weren't yours in the first place.
But what if they were? What if they were one of the few possessions you had, and then someone came out of the blue and tore them out of you?
No warning, no excuse. They just took, and took, and took more until there was nothing left to steal.
What do you do to that? How are you supposed to react?
Are you supposed to be superior, and not care at all about what was taken from you, or should you react? Should you try to get them back?
Should you realize they weren't so important anymore, or should you be, not angry, but rather disappointed, in how they were stolen?
Who said disappointment is none other than "the feeling you get when someone doesn't do for you what you would do for that person anytime", was dead-right. It's just that people expect too much. Some people are too good to be bad. They see the world in bright colors, and they expect others to be like them. They can't conceive how would anyone else see it differently. Well they do.
There are colors, and my world is one color, and yours is another one.
Then there's those people who see their world so bright, but then they hit dead-straight in darkness, and they decide to paint their world black or someone else splashes black paint on it for them.
And then it's done.
How do you come back from that?
But I guess I'm babbling, and I'm the only one who's really getting what I'm aiming at.
Conclusion of this post is that I'm pissed, but actually I'm just disappointed, and yeah. People suck. Big time. But not always.
When you're so sure everything is inside your hands, but when you open them you find out they're empty?
They tell you never to consider something yours, when it isn't. Never to cage things that weren't yours in the first place.
But what if they were? What if they were one of the few possessions you had, and then someone came out of the blue and tore them out of you?
No warning, no excuse. They just took, and took, and took more until there was nothing left to steal.
What do you do to that? How are you supposed to react?
Are you supposed to be superior, and not care at all about what was taken from you, or should you react? Should you try to get them back?
Should you realize they weren't so important anymore, or should you be, not angry, but rather disappointed, in how they were stolen?
Who said disappointment is none other than "the feeling you get when someone doesn't do for you what you would do for that person anytime", was dead-right. It's just that people expect too much. Some people are too good to be bad. They see the world in bright colors, and they expect others to be like them. They can't conceive how would anyone else see it differently. Well they do.
There are colors, and my world is one color, and yours is another one.
Then there's those people who see their world so bright, but then they hit dead-straight in darkness, and they decide to paint their world black or someone else splashes black paint on it for them.
And then it's done.
How do you come back from that?
But I guess I'm babbling, and I'm the only one who's really getting what I'm aiming at.
Conclusion of this post is that I'm pissed, but actually I'm just disappointed, and yeah. People suck. Big time. But not always.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Losing a friend
Have you ever lost a friend?
One that you really really cared about?
And you didn't want to lose them, yet you couldn't help it.
That's kind of what's happening to me, and it hurts more than it seems.
I made my mistakes in the past. I won't deny that. But I'm not the only one.
You know, there are the people you kind of notice, but whenever they do something that pisses you off you just go flip them off.
And then there's those people you care about so much that when they make a mistake you're not angry at them, you try to help them. You love them so much that a mistake made by them is not something to push you away from them, but closer.
This is the way I've always felt towards this friend of mine. Sure, she pisses me off big time and most of the time I can't stand her. She's Aries and I'm Leo, so no surprise there.
But all this time yeah, I kept getting pissed off a lot, but I cared about her a lot anyway.
Well, apparently I was the only one feeling that way. Apparently she saw me as "just another friend", because as soon as we had a fight she didn't waste time cutting me out of her life.
If it wasn't that I'm not a lesbian and we're just friends, I guess I'd dedicate to her the song "Somebody that I used to know", by Gotye ft. Kimbra. Me being Gotye, duh.
The thing that hurts so bad is that apparently I'm the only one who wants to save the relationship. I keep texting her from time to time, but she doesn't. And when she replies it's so cold.
Right now she just sent me a message where she asks me why I keep writing to her since I don't even say hi anymore and all that sort of stuff.
I do say hi. I told her so. In a moment of complete sentimentality, I even told her I really care about our friendship and I didn't want to lose it. And guess what? She didn't even reply to that.
I feel kinda loser-ish writing all this in a blog no one ever reads except for me when I check my grammar mistakes, but still. I felt the need to tell all this to "someone" and I'm not really the type of person to go out and tell people how I feel. That's just not me.
So yeah, have you ever been in a situation like this? Or kinda like this?
I know I'm a bitch, but I think I'm a caring bitch.

One that you really really cared about?
And you didn't want to lose them, yet you couldn't help it.
That's kind of what's happening to me, and it hurts more than it seems.
I made my mistakes in the past. I won't deny that. But I'm not the only one.
You know, there are the people you kind of notice, but whenever they do something that pisses you off you just go flip them off.
And then there's those people you care about so much that when they make a mistake you're not angry at them, you try to help them. You love them so much that a mistake made by them is not something to push you away from them, but closer.
This is the way I've always felt towards this friend of mine. Sure, she pisses me off big time and most of the time I can't stand her. She's Aries and I'm Leo, so no surprise there.
But all this time yeah, I kept getting pissed off a lot, but I cared about her a lot anyway.
Well, apparently I was the only one feeling that way. Apparently she saw me as "just another friend", because as soon as we had a fight she didn't waste time cutting me out of her life.
If it wasn't that I'm not a lesbian and we're just friends, I guess I'd dedicate to her the song "Somebody that I used to know", by Gotye ft. Kimbra. Me being Gotye, duh.
The thing that hurts so bad is that apparently I'm the only one who wants to save the relationship. I keep texting her from time to time, but she doesn't. And when she replies it's so cold.
Right now she just sent me a message where she asks me why I keep writing to her since I don't even say hi anymore and all that sort of stuff.
I do say hi. I told her so. In a moment of complete sentimentality, I even told her I really care about our friendship and I didn't want to lose it. And guess what? She didn't even reply to that.
I feel kinda loser-ish writing all this in a blog no one ever reads except for me when I check my grammar mistakes, but still. I felt the need to tell all this to "someone" and I'm not really the type of person to go out and tell people how I feel. That's just not me.
So yeah, have you ever been in a situation like this? Or kinda like this?
I know I'm a bitch, but I think I'm a caring bitch.
losing friend,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I really am a dork
Second time declining an invitation to a party.
Maybe the third.
In my defense, two of them were birthday parties at some club, and a) the birthday-ed person was not on my favorite-people list, and b) I'm not really the club type.
I'm more like the bookaholic. (no surprise here)
The thing is, I like dancing and stuff, but with friends. Not with a bunch of horny guys who only go there to hook up. I'm an effing innocent virgin, for goodness' sake. It's unnerving.
Anyway, back to my procrastinating self. I know I should "live by the moment". I am perfectly aware that I'm fi--sixteen (why do I always say fifteen? I don't even know my own age), that I should party and have fun and make the best of it. Believe me, I do. But I'm just not like that.
I'm shy, insecure, and worst of all, I act like I am none of those things.
I know a few people who are shy, and insecure like me, but their "condition" is public to everybody, so everybody knows.
With me.. strangely enough, I'm too proud to admit it, and that makes it twice the harder. Because I am shy, and nobody knows. So nobody gets my behavior. Unnerving, this, too.
So yeah, I'm basically writing this post while everybody's at this party, having fun, while I, the dork that I'm aware of being, am home crying (metaphorically speaking of course, I don't cry. Never) my heart out to a blog nobody even reads.
What a nice evening.
xx darkwriter
Maybe the third.
In my defense, two of them were birthday parties at some club, and a) the birthday-ed person was not on my favorite-people list, and b) I'm not really the club type.
I'm more like the bookaholic. (no surprise here)
The thing is, I like dancing and stuff, but with friends. Not with a bunch of horny guys who only go there to hook up. I'm an effing innocent virgin, for goodness' sake. It's unnerving.
Anyway, back to my procrastinating self. I know I should "live by the moment". I am perfectly aware that I'm fi--sixteen (why do I always say fifteen? I don't even know my own age), that I should party and have fun and make the best of it. Believe me, I do. But I'm just not like that.
I'm shy, insecure, and worst of all, I act like I am none of those things.
I know a few people who are shy, and insecure like me, but their "condition" is public to everybody, so everybody knows.
With me.. strangely enough, I'm too proud to admit it, and that makes it twice the harder. Because I am shy, and nobody knows. So nobody gets my behavior. Unnerving, this, too.
So yeah, I'm basically writing this post while everybody's at this party, having fun, while I, the dork that I'm aware of being, am home crying (metaphorically speaking of course, I don't cry. Never) my heart out to a blog nobody even reads.
What a nice evening.
xx darkwriter
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Rainie Yang
Do you guys know who Rainie Yang is?
I was listening to one of her songs and suddenly realized shes' not getting as much fame as she should.
Rainie Yang, also called Yang Cheng Lin, is a Taiwanese singer.
She was born on June 4th, 1984, in Taipei, Taiwan (Repubilc of China). So she's about to be 28 years old.
Since I study Chinese in my high school, I decided to try and watch some Asian dramas, and listen to Asian songs, as you know from my earliest posts.
So, I think it was last year, a friend of mine from Singapore suggested I watched my first Taiwanese drama, Tian Wai Fei Xian. It was starring Ariel Lin (an amazing actress) and Hu Ge (a hot actor).
So after this one, I got hooked up with Asian dramas and asked for more.
That's when Vanora (my friend) suggested me my first Rainie Yang drama, Hi My Sweetheart, also starring Show Luo who is a Taiwanese actor I'd grown to love when I'd first heard him in a song.
And here began my "love" for Rainie, who was so beautiful and so talented.
If you ask on the net about Rainie, the first word anyone will tell you is "cute". Seriously, this is Rainie's adjective for excecllence. But you'll know what I mean only once you've seen one of her dramas.
But back to the point, as I was saying, I watched Hi My Sweetheart. Then, liking so much Rainie's performance, I proceeded to watch all her other dramas I possibly could, and that's how my RY list grew: Miss No Good, Hi My Sweetheart, Why Why Love, Drunken To Love You and, last but not at all least, Devil Beside You.
This last one is officially my favorite drama. My favorite Rainie drama, but also my favorite drama in general.
Here Rainie worked with Mike He, who is her commonly known as her counterpart.
And with that I mean, ask anyone, and they'll probably tell you the best drama couple is Rainie&Mike.
They look just too good together.
Too bad they apparently never had anything in real life.
So, going back in time, Rainie's career started out with the "Four In Love", a group of four girls obviously including Rainie, that made nice music.
Anyway, the group soon disgregated, but our good old Rainie never lost her goodwill.
She obtained a part in the famour Meteor Garden, a Taiwanese adaptation of the manga Hana Yori Dango, of which I talked in my previous post. So as you know, I didn't finish this drama because I didn't like it at all, but nonetheless I loved Rainie's performance because I'm a true fan. u.u LOL.
So, after getting small parts in various dramas, she finally hit the spotlight with her first drama that saw her as main character, and that was our awesome Devil Beside You. Well, what can I say.
Definitely a good point to start, seeing the drama was so effing beautiful.
So here her career as actress as well as singer began.
In fact, due to her previous career as a singer, she is the voice of two songs from the DBY soundtrack, Li Xiang Qin Ren, whose video's also starring our beautiful Mike He, and Ai Mei.
So with Devil Beside You, Rainie Yang officially started to fly and so far she hasn't come down to rest yet. ;D
I guess I've bored you enough with one of my several obsession, so I'll stop here.
But make sure you check out Rainie's work!
Don't let the fact that she's Asian stop you. I know a lot of people are not used to seeing Asia as "homeland for famous people", for lack of words. What I mean with this is, if you asked me a few years ago, before I started studying Chinese, I would've told there wasn't anything produced in China and such for teens. Everything was in the US and Europe. I just didn't see Asia as a possibility. True, I only was in Junior High so I was kinda stupid at the time, but still.
What I'm trying to say is, Asia DOES have some really talented guy, who do not get enogh fame and popularity because people always solely concentrate on America and Europe.
We should all try to open your eyes and minds and see there's not just that.
I'll leave you with a list of my favorite songs by Rainie:
Yu Ai (my absolute favorite);
Dai Wo Zou;
Pian Shi;
Ai Mei;
Hei Se Yue Liang;
Leng Zhan.
Have a nice day!
xx darkwriter
I was listening to one of her songs and suddenly realized shes' not getting as much fame as she should.
Rainie Yang, also called Yang Cheng Lin, is a Taiwanese singer.
She was born on June 4th, 1984, in Taipei, Taiwan (Repubilc of China). So she's about to be 28 years old.
Since I study Chinese in my high school, I decided to try and watch some Asian dramas, and listen to Asian songs, as you know from my earliest posts.
So, I think it was last year, a friend of mine from Singapore suggested I watched my first Taiwanese drama, Tian Wai Fei Xian. It was starring Ariel Lin (an amazing actress) and Hu Ge (a hot actor).
So after this one, I got hooked up with Asian dramas and asked for more.
That's when Vanora (my friend) suggested me my first Rainie Yang drama, Hi My Sweetheart, also starring Show Luo who is a Taiwanese actor I'd grown to love when I'd first heard him in a song.
And here began my "love" for Rainie, who was so beautiful and so talented.
If you ask on the net about Rainie, the first word anyone will tell you is "cute". Seriously, this is Rainie's adjective for excecllence. But you'll know what I mean only once you've seen one of her dramas.
But back to the point, as I was saying, I watched Hi My Sweetheart. Then, liking so much Rainie's performance, I proceeded to watch all her other dramas I possibly could, and that's how my RY list grew: Miss No Good, Hi My Sweetheart, Why Why Love, Drunken To Love You and, last but not at all least, Devil Beside You.
This last one is officially my favorite drama. My favorite Rainie drama, but also my favorite drama in general.
Here Rainie worked with Mike He, who is her commonly known as her counterpart.
And with that I mean, ask anyone, and they'll probably tell you the best drama couple is Rainie&Mike.
They look just too good together.
Too bad they apparently never had anything in real life.
So, going back in time, Rainie's career started out with the "Four In Love", a group of four girls obviously including Rainie, that made nice music.
Anyway, the group soon disgregated, but our good old Rainie never lost her goodwill.
She obtained a part in the famour Meteor Garden, a Taiwanese adaptation of the manga Hana Yori Dango, of which I talked in my previous post. So as you know, I didn't finish this drama because I didn't like it at all, but nonetheless I loved Rainie's performance because I'm a true fan. u.u LOL.
So, after getting small parts in various dramas, she finally hit the spotlight with her first drama that saw her as main character, and that was our awesome Devil Beside You. Well, what can I say.
Definitely a good point to start, seeing the drama was so effing beautiful.
So here her career as actress as well as singer began.
In fact, due to her previous career as a singer, she is the voice of two songs from the DBY soundtrack, Li Xiang Qin Ren, whose video's also starring our beautiful Mike He, and Ai Mei.
So with Devil Beside You, Rainie Yang officially started to fly and so far she hasn't come down to rest yet. ;D
I guess I've bored you enough with one of my several obsession, so I'll stop here.
But make sure you check out Rainie's work!
Don't let the fact that she's Asian stop you. I know a lot of people are not used to seeing Asia as "homeland for famous people", for lack of words. What I mean with this is, if you asked me a few years ago, before I started studying Chinese, I would've told there wasn't anything produced in China and such for teens. Everything was in the US and Europe. I just didn't see Asia as a possibility. True, I only was in Junior High so I was kinda stupid at the time, but still.
What I'm trying to say is, Asia DOES have some really talented guy, who do not get enogh fame and popularity because people always solely concentrate on America and Europe.
We should all try to open your eyes and minds and see there's not just that.
I'll leave you with a list of my favorite songs by Rainie:
Yu Ai (my absolute favorite);
Dai Wo Zou;
Pian Shi;
Ai Mei;
Hei Se Yue Liang;
Leng Zhan.
Have a nice day!
xx darkwriter
Friday, January 20, 2012
Hana Yori Dango!
So, a few months ago I stumbled across a Taiwanese drama, called Meteor Garden.
I soon got to know it had been a big hit on Taiwanese televisions, so I decided to try it. Rainie Yang had also gotten a little part in it (she was younger and less expert at the time), and you know how obsessed I am with her.
The drama had good premises, and I was so eager to start it.
However, after a few episodes, I realized:
a) the acting sucked. I'm sorry, but it's true;
b) the clothes were so horrible I couldn't even look at them;
c) the lines were stupid;
d ) I didn't like the actors.
So all these elements were kind of a throw-off, and I gave up on the drama.
However, considering my latest obsession for SS501, I realized Kim Hyun Joong (ex leader of the band) acted in Boys Over Flowers, the Korean version of Meteor Garden.
So I told myself, "Why not?" The plot was already nice, and I'd change actors, so maybe it would be better.
In the mean time I also discovered there was yet another version of it, a Japanese one.
And here you have me unable to decide which one to try first.
My friend Erica, who studies Japanese, adviced me to 'absolutely read Hana Yori Dango', which is the title given to the Japanese version, coming right from the inspiring manga.
I decided to trust her taste and try that one.
Hana Yori Dango stars Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun as main characters, respectively Makino Tsukushi and Domyouji Tsukasa. The other names I still have to learn.
Basically, in the drama you have Makino, a poor girl studying at a prestigious school, thanks to her parents' continuous sacrifices. She has a strong sense of justice and doesn't like people comanding her.
Domyouji is the leader of the F4, a worldwide-famous 'group' formed by Domyouji and three other friends of his: Hanazawa Rui, I-can't-remember-your-name Soujiroh and I-can't remember-your-name-at-all. (Hey! They're Japanese. It's hard enough in Chinese, give me a break.)
The F4 are bullies who don't care about anyone or anything, and always get what they want. Since they're probably the richest heirs in all Japan, no one can tell a thing to them. Not even the teachers. So they basically have complete freedom wherever they go.
Well, Makino and Domyouji's fates encounter when he makes fun of her friend, Sakurako, and she can't stand it. She stands up and finally tells Domyouji to back off.
Isn't he surprised at this show of courage, especially coming from a pennyless girl. And especially when she punches him in front of the whole school and then takes off.
Reaction? Domyouji gives her the 'red notice', a red paper signed F4, which basically announces that you're in deep shit. Since the F4 rule on the whole school, you're now at the mercee of everybody, ready to be picked on and assaulted.
When she doesn't back off, Domyouji appeals to more drastic ways to scare Makino. Only everytime she's in serious danger, Hanazawa Rui is always around. He's the 'angel' of the group. (he always dresses in white!) He doesn't like having all this power, he doesn't want it. He's the more reflective and introspective one of the F4. And when Makino needs him, he's always there to help her, even though he clearly states he's not doing for her, but only because he hates that sort of things (the attacks).
That doesn't prevent Makino from developing a huge crush on him.
And Domyouji's reaction? He's jealous. He's slowly coming to admire Makino's strength and courage, and he feels something deep in his chest telling him to know more about her.
So what will happen, with Makino in love with an ngel, and a demon in love with her?
Who will she choose in the end?
I totally loved this drama.
It's composed of two seasons, plus a movie. I'm currently watching the movie.
Season one was really good, and it made you think, at the end, that everything was going to be just fine. Then season two, anyway, was an emotional roller coaster. I kept sighing and being sad while watching the episode. It was so heartbreaking yet so addicting, I couldn't stop watching even though I was mentally suffering.
It ended AMAZINGLY. And maybe they should've stopped there.
The movie I'm watching right now is cool, and I like having more of M. and D., but maybe if they left it at the end of season two it would have been better. That ending was just perfect.
Anyway, I'm gonna see the end of this movie and find out how it all finally ends.
I felt like sharing this with you, since I liked it so much.
It took me some time to get used to Japanese, since I usually watch Taiwanese drama, but it was fun. I actually learned something of the language, haha.
So, in case you were thinking about watching HYD (Hana Yori Dango), DO IT DO IT DO IT!
It's awesome.
xx darkwriter
I soon got to know it had been a big hit on Taiwanese televisions, so I decided to try it. Rainie Yang had also gotten a little part in it (she was younger and less expert at the time), and you know how obsessed I am with her.
The drama had good premises, and I was so eager to start it.
However, after a few episodes, I realized:
a) the acting sucked. I'm sorry, but it's true;
b) the clothes were so horrible I couldn't even look at them;
c) the lines were stupid;
d ) I didn't like the actors.
So all these elements were kind of a throw-off, and I gave up on the drama.
However, considering my latest obsession for SS501, I realized Kim Hyun Joong (ex leader of the band) acted in Boys Over Flowers, the Korean version of Meteor Garden.
So I told myself, "Why not?" The plot was already nice, and I'd change actors, so maybe it would be better.
In the mean time I also discovered there was yet another version of it, a Japanese one.
And here you have me unable to decide which one to try first.
My friend Erica, who studies Japanese, adviced me to 'absolutely read Hana Yori Dango', which is the title given to the Japanese version, coming right from the inspiring manga.
I decided to trust her taste and try that one.
Hana Yori Dango stars Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun as main characters, respectively Makino Tsukushi and Domyouji Tsukasa. The other names I still have to learn.
Basically, in the drama you have Makino, a poor girl studying at a prestigious school, thanks to her parents' continuous sacrifices. She has a strong sense of justice and doesn't like people comanding her.
Domyouji is the leader of the F4, a worldwide-famous 'group' formed by Domyouji and three other friends of his: Hanazawa Rui, I-can't-remember-your-name Soujiroh and I-can't remember-your-name-at-all. (Hey! They're Japanese. It's hard enough in Chinese, give me a break.)
The F4 are bullies who don't care about anyone or anything, and always get what they want. Since they're probably the richest heirs in all Japan, no one can tell a thing to them. Not even the teachers. So they basically have complete freedom wherever they go.
Well, Makino and Domyouji's fates encounter when he makes fun of her friend, Sakurako, and she can't stand it. She stands up and finally tells Domyouji to back off.
Isn't he surprised at this show of courage, especially coming from a pennyless girl. And especially when she punches him in front of the whole school and then takes off.
Reaction? Domyouji gives her the 'red notice', a red paper signed F4, which basically announces that you're in deep shit. Since the F4 rule on the whole school, you're now at the mercee of everybody, ready to be picked on and assaulted.
When she doesn't back off, Domyouji appeals to more drastic ways to scare Makino. Only everytime she's in serious danger, Hanazawa Rui is always around. He's the 'angel' of the group. (he always dresses in white!) He doesn't like having all this power, he doesn't want it. He's the more reflective and introspective one of the F4. And when Makino needs him, he's always there to help her, even though he clearly states he's not doing for her, but only because he hates that sort of things (the attacks).
That doesn't prevent Makino from developing a huge crush on him.
And Domyouji's reaction? He's jealous. He's slowly coming to admire Makino's strength and courage, and he feels something deep in his chest telling him to know more about her.
So what will happen, with Makino in love with an ngel, and a demon in love with her?
Who will she choose in the end?
I totally loved this drama.
It's composed of two seasons, plus a movie. I'm currently watching the movie.
Season one was really good, and it made you think, at the end, that everything was going to be just fine. Then season two, anyway, was an emotional roller coaster. I kept sighing and being sad while watching the episode. It was so heartbreaking yet so addicting, I couldn't stop watching even though I was mentally suffering.
It ended AMAZINGLY. And maybe they should've stopped there.
The movie I'm watching right now is cool, and I like having more of M. and D., but maybe if they left it at the end of season two it would have been better. That ending was just perfect.
Anyway, I'm gonna see the end of this movie and find out how it all finally ends.
I felt like sharing this with you, since I liked it so much.
It took me some time to get used to Japanese, since I usually watch Taiwanese drama, but it was fun. I actually learned something of the language, haha.
So, in case you were thinking about watching HYD (Hana Yori Dango), DO IT DO IT DO IT!
It's awesome.
xx darkwriter
boys over flowers,
hana yori dango,
matsumoto jun
Monday, January 16, 2012
New design!.. again.
Hola guys.
I changed for the twentieth time my layout and background.
Don't get me wrong--I loved the last one. Seriously, that black and those flames were totally badass (LOL), but I felt it was kind of.. heavy. Like you couldn't fully concentrate on what was written on the blog. So I changed it. Snow is pure and silence hangs on the landscape, so I think it's perfect. (:
So, what's up with you?
Christmas's come and gone! And so is New Year's Eve. So now we're finally in 2012.
Do you think we're all going to die? I personally hope so.
Not because one of my last wishes is to hear people screaming in my hears pulling their hair out and going mad because the world is revolting on itself (though that would be fun to see), but because it would mean something.
Wouldn't it be cool to know that somewhere, somehow, somebody was able, more than two thousand years ago, to predict the end of the whole world? That must be pretty badass.
If there's something after death, I was a Maya, and the world really did end, I'd be laughing my ass off at people's faces when they realize after all the Mexican guys were right.
Of course, there are more than a million possibilities, which would state the world is not ending, for why they stoppped their calendar at year 2012. Like, they had finished paper (or whatever they wrote on or something). Or they grew bored. Or they wanted to play a trick on the fools who would believe them. LOL. Or maybe they were right.
Anyway, I was doing one of my usual wandering on google/wikipedia, so I looked up the Maya Calendar on Wikipedia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar This is what's written about it. It explains how their calendar is formed, and why would people think 2012 will be the last year of our lives.
But it also states there are some inscriptions regarding years after 2012, so it's improbable our end-of-the-world supposition is true.
Still, hoping doesn't hurt.
Lately I've been obsessed with a Korean band called ss501. Even though their fans hate them to be called this (screw you! mwah. I'm saying it and proud of it), they kind of sound like the Korean backstreet boys. Just go listen to them, it's totally true, and it's stupid to try denying it.
I personally love Love ya, Love Like This and Not Alone. The others were cool but basically these three are the only ones I really like.
Also, I learned that in 2010 (or was it 2009?) the group disbanded because their contract ended. So they kept making music, but everybody on his own, as a solo artist.
Right now I only listened to Kiss Kiss and Please by Kim Hyun Joong, the ex-lead of the band, and I liked them. Kiss Kiss is kind of commercial, but it's cute. Please, on the other hand, is really really beautiful. I love the lyrics.
I also listened to a song by some other guy of the group, but I can't remember the name or the song. >.< (Hey, Korean names are difficult!)
And oh, sorry. I just realized that Not Alone is actually a solo song, by Park Jung Min. It's not SS501's. It's just that this was the first Korean song I heard, and I'd read that he was part of that band so I thought the song was by them. Wrong. (:
I'm also feeding my obsession for Rainie Yang, watching another taiwanese drama with her in it. It's called Drunken To Love You, starring Joseph Chang and her and other people I don't know the names of.
It's basically the story of two people who are both going to get married, but they both get dumped by their respective boyfriend/girlfriend. So they get drunk together, not knowing each other, and end up marrying. The next morning they wake up not knowing what happened and finding their status on their ID cards changed from 'single' to 'married'. No need to say they're in deep shit.
The problem now with getting a fast divorse is that Jie Xiu's (Joseph Chang) is Tang Ai Wei, a famous movie star. And she's apologizing to him, telling him she wants him back, but at the same time saying they can't become public and the moment because it would ruin her movie contract. So she proposes something:
Xiao Ru (Rainie Yang) and Jie Xiu could stay married as a fake couple, so that Ai Wei and Jie Xiu won't have trouble with paparazzi. Xiao Ru reluctantly accepts under the offer of one million RMB (Ren Min Bi, Chinese coin) (while she was drunk, she left her rent house and spent all her 600.000 RMB somewhere. She doesn't know where.), but things get complicated when Jie Xiu and her start feeling something they shouldn't for each other.
So where will this take us..?
This is the second installment of a trilogy which started with another drama, Fated To Love You. (this one was basically about a girl losing her virginity to a stranger, because she thought he was her boyfriend. While he made love to her thinking she was his girlfriend. She gets pregnant and BAM! They're in deep shit, too, and have to handle the situation. And of course they fall in love in the process. I didn't personally watch this drama. I only saw the first two or three episodes, but I totally loathed the main character so I abandoned it. But I hear it had record audience.)
Like FTLU, it had a great audience and an enormous success in Taiwan.
Rainie cut her hair and for once played a more mature character. It was a great turn for her, and she did it really well.
I currently have three episodes left to see, then I'm off to the next drama, haha.
Right now I'm reading Wuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte. I'd arranged to finish it in one week, but I'm at the end of the second and still stuck on the same point since almost a week now. I'm gonna finish in the next few days though. I will. u.u
Also, I'm reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia but I'm stuck with that one, too.
One of the reasons is that I got hooked up with this Taiwanese drama so I was concentrated on that, but also this book isn't has good as I was hoping. It's not that it's bad, it's just plain boring. x'D
I'd picked it up because I'd heard nice reviews about it, and maybe it's all in the ending, but so far I haven't found anything special about it.
So, it's past one a.m. in the morning and I have school tomorrow, so I'll leave you guys now.
I hope this background satifies me still tomorrow, so I won't have to change it again.
Goodnight, love!
I changed for the twentieth time my layout and background.
Don't get me wrong--I loved the last one. Seriously, that black and those flames were totally badass (LOL), but I felt it was kind of.. heavy. Like you couldn't fully concentrate on what was written on the blog. So I changed it. Snow is pure and silence hangs on the landscape, so I think it's perfect. (:
So, what's up with you?
Christmas's come and gone! And so is New Year's Eve. So now we're finally in 2012.
Do you think we're all going to die? I personally hope so.
Not because one of my last wishes is to hear people screaming in my hears pulling their hair out and going mad because the world is revolting on itself (though that would be fun to see), but because it would mean something.
Wouldn't it be cool to know that somewhere, somehow, somebody was able, more than two thousand years ago, to predict the end of the whole world? That must be pretty badass.
If there's something after death, I was a Maya, and the world really did end, I'd be laughing my ass off at people's faces when they realize after all the Mexican guys were right.
Of course, there are more than a million possibilities, which would state the world is not ending, for why they stoppped their calendar at year 2012. Like, they had finished paper (or whatever they wrote on or something). Or they grew bored. Or they wanted to play a trick on the fools who would believe them. LOL. Or maybe they were right.
Anyway, I was doing one of my usual wandering on google/wikipedia, so I looked up the Maya Calendar on Wikipedia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar This is what's written about it. It explains how their calendar is formed, and why would people think 2012 will be the last year of our lives.
But it also states there are some inscriptions regarding years after 2012, so it's improbable our end-of-the-world supposition is true.
Still, hoping doesn't hurt.
Lately I've been obsessed with a Korean band called ss501. Even though their fans hate them to be called this (screw you! mwah. I'm saying it and proud of it), they kind of sound like the Korean backstreet boys. Just go listen to them, it's totally true, and it's stupid to try denying it.
I personally love Love ya, Love Like This and Not Alone. The others were cool but basically these three are the only ones I really like.
Also, I learned that in 2010 (or was it 2009?) the group disbanded because their contract ended. So they kept making music, but everybody on his own, as a solo artist.
Right now I only listened to Kiss Kiss and Please by Kim Hyun Joong, the ex-lead of the band, and I liked them. Kiss Kiss is kind of commercial, but it's cute. Please, on the other hand, is really really beautiful. I love the lyrics.
I also listened to a song by some other guy of the group, but I can't remember the name or the song. >.< (Hey, Korean names are difficult!)
And oh, sorry. I just realized that Not Alone is actually a solo song, by Park Jung Min. It's not SS501's. It's just that this was the first Korean song I heard, and I'd read that he was part of that band so I thought the song was by them. Wrong. (:
I'm also feeding my obsession for Rainie Yang, watching another taiwanese drama with her in it. It's called Drunken To Love You, starring Joseph Chang and her and other people I don't know the names of.
It's basically the story of two people who are both going to get married, but they both get dumped by their respective boyfriend/girlfriend. So they get drunk together, not knowing each other, and end up marrying. The next morning they wake up not knowing what happened and finding their status on their ID cards changed from 'single' to 'married'. No need to say they're in deep shit.
The problem now with getting a fast divorse is that Jie Xiu's (Joseph Chang) is Tang Ai Wei, a famous movie star. And she's apologizing to him, telling him she wants him back, but at the same time saying they can't become public and the moment because it would ruin her movie contract. So she proposes something:
Xiao Ru (Rainie Yang) and Jie Xiu could stay married as a fake couple, so that Ai Wei and Jie Xiu won't have trouble with paparazzi. Xiao Ru reluctantly accepts under the offer of one million RMB (Ren Min Bi, Chinese coin) (while she was drunk, she left her rent house and spent all her 600.000 RMB somewhere. She doesn't know where.), but things get complicated when Jie Xiu and her start feeling something they shouldn't for each other.
So where will this take us..?
This is the second installment of a trilogy which started with another drama, Fated To Love You. (this one was basically about a girl losing her virginity to a stranger, because she thought he was her boyfriend. While he made love to her thinking she was his girlfriend. She gets pregnant and BAM! They're in deep shit, too, and have to handle the situation. And of course they fall in love in the process. I didn't personally watch this drama. I only saw the first two or three episodes, but I totally loathed the main character so I abandoned it. But I hear it had record audience.)
Like FTLU, it had a great audience and an enormous success in Taiwan.
Rainie cut her hair and for once played a more mature character. It was a great turn for her, and she did it really well.
I currently have three episodes left to see, then I'm off to the next drama, haha.
Right now I'm reading Wuthering Heights by Charlotte Bronte. I'd arranged to finish it in one week, but I'm at the end of the second and still stuck on the same point since almost a week now. I'm gonna finish in the next few days though. I will. u.u
Also, I'm reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia but I'm stuck with that one, too.
One of the reasons is that I got hooked up with this Taiwanese drama so I was concentrated on that, but also this book isn't has good as I was hoping. It's not that it's bad, it's just plain boring. x'D
I'd picked it up because I'd heard nice reviews about it, and maybe it's all in the ending, but so far I haven't found anything special about it.
So, it's past one a.m. in the morning and I have school tomorrow, so I'll leave you guys now.
I hope this background satifies me still tomorrow, so I won't have to change it again.
Goodnight, love!
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Hello :)
- Elena
- This blog is part of my uni coursework in which I have to link a specific subject of interest to the general shift to digital that has affected our society in recent years. Here I am going to discuss in depth various ways in which this shift has radically changed our youth in particular, and shaped them as what is often defined as a 'digital generation'. I hope to do a decent job! Cheers